Most Recent Tax Preparer Reviews

Client Review of

Jeff Mensa-Cohen, AFSP, CAA, EA

Clearwater, FL

Clearwater, FL
February 15, 2024

See other negative reviews from other people at Yelp, Google and BBB. If they try to give you a hug at this place, refuse it and let them know you are seeking a professional relationship. This place accepted payment then completely ignored my tax issue for months. At one point they stated that they were reviewing lots of tax forms that they received form the IRS. That was a lie, the IRS didn't send them anything. These were the following excuses they used for not addressing my tax issues as I paid them to do. Each of these excuses was provided separately and individually at different times as I inquired as to why they had not met the deadline to which they set and agreed to up front. 1. Jeff's dad had just recently died. 2. Denise's dad was in hospice on his death bed. 3. Denise had just gone and visited her father for the last time. 4. Denise's father had passed away. 5. Denis allegedly spent weeks and weeks in California dealing with a funeral. 6. One of their dachshunds was sick and maybe about to die. 7. Their dog died. I had thousands of dollars in IRS debt on the line which depended on a deadline. I am sorry for their personal problems, however they certainly didn't mention any of these problems when they accepted my payment and agreed to a deadline. There comes a point that I don't care about your personal s**t, do what you promised you would do!! If they tell you that you are like family now, WATCH OUT!! Tell them you won't tell them your personal problems, and you don't wanna hear about theirs. I intend to post negative reviews about these people everywhere I can; google, youtube, yelp, everywhere I can find. Please watch out for these liars. They are NOT CPA's they will imply that they have better than a CPA. LIE. Google it.